Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Laura McCullagh does a video, for self.same no less!

My lovely fiend from Cape Town, Laura McCullagh did THIS, coz she is CLEVER and stuff, it's a video and things for a band called self.same Fragments, looky looky:

Monday, September 22, 2014

Destrukto - Geisha EP and some mixes

A tchno mix I did a while back:

Destrukto - Devils Abacus Techno Mix by Greg Tucker on Mixcloud

Here is an EP I did a while back, created from scratch on Ableton Live. It is my first excursion into making my own electronica: And this is a mixtape I did for someone very special ( <3 ):

Destrukto - What Dreams May Come (Jacket in the Desert) Mix by Greg Tucker on Mixcloud

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


My good friend Chris Pheiffer aka I AM NOIZE and I, DESTRUKTO, have been busy in the studio making some dark and twisted Techno. The track is called OBEY, we are busy with an EP. Here is a remix we did of Joburg's THE FROWN: YAY, back on my blog, awesome.